Sunday, December 17, 2006

Facebook and a Conversation

Beth and I have been having a discussion about the relationship that our generation has with debt (student loans, credit cards, etc.) and our simultaneous lack of effective representation in government...leading us toward a disproportionate share of the burden when the Baby Boomers hit Social Security, Medicare, etc.

I don't see anyone advocating for our generation and it's time that we stop assuming someone will. It is time to dream about what Freedom looks like, and if it seems reasonable that crushing debt should be the baseline for our generation. How will our physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological health thrive under this burden? How do we start families when we live in a state of extended adolescence, renting apartments, living paycheck-to-paycheck until well into our 30s?

I am working on setting up an open discussion community on Facebook, open to everyone, from "Baby Boomer Jr." to "Panicked Gen X StressCase" on where we are, how we got here, and how what we can do about it.

I am pasting a link to a USA Today series on debt in our generation, which may act as good background reading for those whose personal experiences have not lead them to inquire as to the magnitude of the problem.

More postings as the Facebook community takes shape...

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