Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Make the Move

I have worked with computers for nearly the last decade and only recently have I felt the kind of "empowerment" that the "personal computer" originally promised upon learning to use Linux. I am no pro and the learning curve was a little steep at first, but documentation and user groups are plentiful and gracious to the "newbie" such as myself. I have to say, however, that the price is right and when it's up and running, you start to see the potential that has been dormant or just simply ignored by Microsoft's monopoly. It is no longer safe to assume that Microsoft is easier, more secure, more stable, or faster than the alternatives. See Make the Move's website for more . . .

I also believe that Linux and the open source paradigm have larger implications for society as a whole. Collaboration, based on the intuition that everyone can and should contribute because our own individual perspectives are unique and no less qualified than the guys at Microsoft(/Washington D.C.) are the building blocks of this new community of programmers and activists. I am thrilled to be a part of it.

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